Modular Compute Layer


Compared to OP-Rollup, ZK-Rollup has several advantages including enhanced security, trustless operations, and faster withdrawal speeds. A key technological difference is that ZK-Rollup requires robust ZKP computational power to generate zero-knowledge proofs.

Modular Blockchains

Modular rollup technology indeed provides a new approach and solution to address the impossible triangle problem of traditional blockchain. By breaking down the blockchain system into different modules, rollup implements a layered structure to achieve more efficient transaction processing and data management, thereby balancing decentralization, security, and scalability to some extent. Rollup modules typically include:

Settlement Layer: Responsible for updating the asset status of the blockchain, usually operating on Layer 1 (the main chain). It verifies the data submitted by rollup and updates the results to the main chain to ensure the security and accuracy of assets.

Execution Layer: Processes transactions on rollup, records, and updates transaction status. It can execute transactions quickly on the rollup network without waiting for confirmation from the main chain, thereby improving transaction processing speed and efficiency.

Consensus Layer: Ensures consensus on the status of each transaction, ensuring the legality and security of transactions. It usually adopts efficient consensus algorithms such as Proof of Stake or Proof of Authority.

Data Availability Layer: Records all transaction data that occurs on rollup and provides full data when updating asset status in the settlement layer. This helps ensure data traceability and integrity while enhancing system security and reliability.

However, for ZK-Rollup, an additional core module is required, the Prover Layer.

Lumoz's Modular Compute Layer for ZKP computing

The Lumoz computer layer, serving as the computational module, possesses the following characteristics:

Decentralization: The Lumoz computer layer itself operates as a blockchain. Lumoz employs a hybrid consensus mechanism of Proof of Stake (POS) and Proof of Work (POW), ensuring decentralization of computational power. Decentralized computational power guarantees uninterrupted ZKP calculations for zkRollups built on top of it.

Stable computational power: Lumoz's computational nodes consist of GPU/CPU nodes, numbering in the thousands, ensuring a continuous supply of ZKP computational power.

High compatibility: Lumoz is compatible with mainstream ZKrollup solutions in the blockchain industry, including polygon zkEVM, zkSync, Scroll, Starknet, Polygon zkEVM, among others. Through its unique computational mechanism, Lumoz can accommodate the aforementioned mainstream ZK solutions, providing ZKP computational power for zkRollups built using these ZK solutions.

Cost-effectiveness: Through Lumoz's decentralized computational layer and comprehensive economic mechanism, the ZKPs generated by the Lumoz computer layer are characterized by lower costs.

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