Validators (PoS)

What's a validator

A validator is a virtual entity that lives on Lumoz and participates in the consensus of the Lumoz protocol. Validators are represented by a balance, public key, and other properties. A validator client is the software that acts on behalf of the validator by holding and using its private key. A single validator client can hold many key pairs, controlling many validators.

Validator rewards

Validators are good for Lumoz chain, they receive the rewards when secure Lumoz.

See details

How to be a validator

To participate as a validator, users must deposit a certain amount of MOZ into the deposit contract and run three separate pieces of software: the execution client, consensus client, and validator. Validators are responsible for verifying the validity of new blocks propagated through the network and occasionally creating and propagating new blocks themselves. If a validator behaves dishonestly or negligently, the staked MOZ will be forfeited.

You can easily run a validator through the Validator Launchpad.

Last updated