Set up L1 archive node


OS: Ubuntu 20.04 (amd64) and above

CPU: 4+ cores @ 2.8+ GHz

Memory: 16GB+ RAM

Storage: 2TB storage space

Port configuration

Refer to Port Configuration


cd workdir
wget -c && tar -C ./ -xzf testnet-auto-install-archive.tar.gz && chmod +x -R ./testnet-auto-install-archive && cd ./testnet-auto-install-archive && ./

Waiting for synchronization

You can check the sync status through the control-panel

cd testnet-auto-install-archive/opside-chain 
bash ./

Enter intex: 5
Enter index: 1

Or you can also pull the log by


Connect to your archive node

After the node is fully synced, you can make your aggregator service connect to the node by modifying the node.config.toml file

Notice that is just for example.

url = '' # your intranet ip + rpc port, default is 8545

Restart the aggregator service if there are already running aggregator services.

sudo docker restart zkevm-sync; sudo docker restart zkevm-aggregator; sudo docker restart zkevm-eth-tx-manager;